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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu soc.culture.hongkong:31269 news.answers:4748
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!hri.com!ukma!darwin.sura.net!haven.umd.edu!uunet!psinntp!jho!root
- From: john@jho.com (John Ho)
- Newsgroups: soc.culture.hongkong,news.answers
- Subject: soc.culture.hongkong FAQ, Part I
- Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (and
- their answers) on the soc.culture.hongkong. Please read this posting
- before posting to the newsgroup.
- Message-ID: <schk1_725000404@jho.com>
- Date: 22 Dec 92 05:00:13 GMT
- Expires: 4 Feb 1993 05:00:04 GMT
- Sender: root@jho.com (0000-Admin(0000))
- Reply-To: john@jho.com
- Followup-To: soc.culture.hongkong
- Organization: JHO Company, Dallas, Texas USA
- Lines: 952
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Supersedes: <schk1_722408403@jho.com>
- Archive-name: hongkong-faq/part1
- Last-modified: Sun Aug 23 17:42:09 EDT 1992
- Version: 2.1
- O F F I C I A L
- If you have any questions regarding addition/deletion/modification
- to this FAQ, please contact John Ho at "john@jho.com". Your comments
- will be appreciated.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note: ! new
- * modified
- 0) TOPICS: HISTORY OF soc.culture.hongkong
- 1) What is soc.culture.hongkong?
- 2-9) (reserved)
- 11) How to access SCHK?
- 12) How do I get the lastest version of this FAQ?
- 13) How do I receive the lastest HK news?
- 14) Are there any other Chinese networks?
- 15) How do I find a job in HK?
- 16) Can someone recommend a recruiting company in HK for me?
- 17) How do I renew my passport?
- 18) What are the differences between the BNO/BDTC passport?
- 19) Do I need a passport to visit UK?
- 20) Are there any short wave radio station from HK?
- 21) Is it cheaper to buy a PC in HK?
- ! 22) How do I wire money to Hong Kong from US?
- 23-299) (reserved)
- 301) Is Hong Kong University (HKU) / Chinese University (CU) / Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on the net?
- 302) Do they have access to SCHK?
- 303) How to send mail to CU?
- 304) How to send mail to HKUST
- 305) How to send mail to HK Polytechnics?
- 306) How to send mail to HK Baptist College?
- 307) How to send mail to City Polytechnics of HK?
- 308) How to send mail to HKU?
- 309) What other network connections are there in HK?
- 310) Can I send mail to HK through Fidonet?
- 311) Who else have connection in HK?
- 312-349) (reserved)
- 351) Where can I find the lowest air fare to HK?
- 352) Courier service, anyone?
- 353) Which is a good travel book to read?
- 354) What can I do in HK?
- 355) Where can I go in HK?
- 356) Where can I shop for computers in HK?
- 357) Where can I shop for cameras in HK?
- 358) Where can I find more information before I start the trip?
- 359) Which hotel should I book?
- 360) Are there any other sources?
- 361) What is HKTDC?
- 362) Where is the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office?
- 363) Where is the American Chamber of Commerce in HK?
- 364-399) (reserved)
- 401) Where can I buy the lastest CDs/Books/Magazines?
- 402) How do I subscribe to Chinese newspapaers?
- 403) Is there any mail order place for these items?
- 404) Why can't I watch HK video tapes in the US/Canada?
- 405) What should I do when I receive a PAL tape from HK?
- 406) Are there any free HK magazines?
- 407) How do I subscribe South China Morning Post?
- 408-449) (reserved)
- 551) Anybody out there from XYZ Secondary School?
- 552) How can I start an e-mail alumni association?
- 553) Are there any local gathering groups?
- 554-700) (reserved)
- 701) Who is Deanna?
- 702) Who is Jan?
- 703-999) (reserved)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0) TOPICS: HISTORY OF soc.culture.hongkong(SCHK)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1) What is soc.culture.hongkong?
- In April, 1989, Wilson Ho, then a graduate student from UC Davis
- and a small group of Hong Kong (HK) students studying in the United
- States got together and formed an e-mail mailing list called HKNET.
- It did not take long before the number of memebrs (more than 800)
- outgrown the capability of the mail relay server. Same year,
- Fred Ho from University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Canada
- started the newsgroup creation process for soc.culture.hongkong (SCHK)
- The first posting went out on July 28, 1989.
- The original intent was to off-load the more serious
- topics (such as news, announcements, etc.) from HKnet to SCHK, and
- keep the more "light weight" casual conversations in HKnet. As
- it turned out, it was exactly the opposite. Today, HKnet carries
- almost exclusively news from HK and China, and announcement from
- Chinese organizations. SCHK, on the other hand, has evolved to
- become an on-line meeting place and discussion forum for netters
- with HK background or interests to make friends and to receive
- lastest news from HK. There are estimated 35,000 netters in
- SCHK worldwide.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 11) How to access SCHK?
- The fact that you are reading this FAQ implies you get
- some form of connections to SCHK, either your friend has access
- or you just accidentally step into this wonderland. The best way
- for you to access SCHK is through USENET, you can ask your friend
- or your system administrators and find out if your local site has
- news connection.
- The other way is to subscribe SCHK through e-mail.
- You require an e-mail account which has connections to the Internet
- You can send mail to "postmaster@ahkcus.org" and ask to be added
- to the SCHK mailing list. To post in SCHK thru email, send your
- article to "soc.culture.hongkong@pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 12) How do I get the lastest version of this FAQ?
- If you have ftp (File Transport Protocol) access, the latest
- version can be retrieved as /pub/usenet/news.answers/hongkong-faq
- from pit-manager.mit.edu [], or, try (but please don't
- abuse mail servers, there has been history of mail servers taken down
- because of excessive load)---sending an email message to
- mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu with "help" and "index"
- (only, because the daemon reads and responds to your
- message) in the body on separate lines for more information.
- Other archives are---cnam.cnam.fr [] in /pub/FAQ;
- ftp.uu.net [ or] in /pub/usenet;
- archive.cs.ruu.nl [] in the anonymous ftp directory
- NEWS.ANSWERS. For details read "Introduction to news.answers" on
- news.answers.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 13) How do I receive the lastest Hong Kong (HK) news?
- K.W. Chan (bat!kwchan1@csd.hku.hk) from Hong Kong University
- post news clipping from South China Morning Post religiously. :)
- The Alliance of Hong Kong Chinese in the US (AHKCUS) also maintains
- a mailing list called "hknews@ahkcus.org" which are mainly articles
- from major news agents with news clipping primiarily focused in HK,
- China and Taiwan. You can add your name to the AHKCUS Hong Kong News
- mailing list by contacting "postmaster@ahkcus.org".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 14) Are there any other Chinese networks?
- The Alliance of Hong Kong Chinese in the US (AHKCUS) maintains
- a mailing list for its members and people who are insterested in the
- pro-democracy movement in China. To subscribe please contact
- "request@ahkcus.org" [].
- Hong Kong Net (HKNet) can be reached by sending mail to
- "cst@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu" or "so@cs.wisc.edu". Please mail all
- posting to HKnet to "hknet@cs.wisc.edu".
- South East Asia Online is a free mailing list with interests
- in Southeastern Asia. It covers areas from Burma/Myanmar to HK, Malaysia,
- Singapore, Indonesia and Australia. To subscribe, mail to
- "listserv@msu.bitnet" or "listserv@msu.edu" with a one line message
- "SUB SEASIA-L <your real-name>". The service is made possible with
- the support of the Center for Asian Studies at Michigan State.
- China News Digest is a regular posting of lastest China news in
- an on-line magazine format. To subscribe or get info, mail to:
- "CND-INFO@DJOHN-SUN.KENT.EDU" or if you want to contribute, you can
- send your mail to: "CND-EDITOR@DJOHN-SUN.KENT.EDU"
- China Study Forum can be reached at "csf-adm@postgres.berkeley.edu"
- China Study Forum - Books review can be reached at
- "csf-books@postgres.berkeley.edu".
- HXWZ is a weekly electronic magazine in the Chinese language
- published by China News Digest (CND). To subscribe to CND Chinese Magazine:
- Send mail to "LISTSERV@UGA.BITNET" with a one line message,
- "sub CCMAN-L <full name>". To quit from CND Chinese Magazine:
- Send mail to "LISTSERV@UGA.BITNET" with a one line message "unsub CCMAN-L".
- For more information, please contact "LISTSERV@UGA.BITNET" and please
- include a one line message, "GET CMHELP INDEX". The BITNET node name
- UGA.BITNET is equivalent to internet "uga.uga.edu".
- Don't forget to check out soc.culture.china, soc.culture.taiwan,
- soc.culture.asean, talk.politics.china, talk.politics.taiwan and
- alt.chinese.text.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 15) How do I find a job in HK?
- There is a brochure "Returning To Hong Kong" published
- by the American Chamber of Commerce in HK. It is targeted towards
- students studying in the US who are planning to return to HK after
- graduation. They also publish books like "Hong Kong Employment
- Guide 1991," "Doing Business in Today's HK," "Living in HK," etc.
- The publications are available by sending request to AmCham
- HK center. Their address is:
- 1030 Swire House Central, HK.
- Ph: +852 5260165/+852 5259215/(fax)+852 8101289
- An electronic copy can be anonymously ftp from ahkcus.org
- The file is stored under /hongkong/returning.
- terryk@microsoft.com (Terry Kwan) regularly posts the
- list of prime jobs from the Higher Education Employment Service (HEES).
- You can also write to HEES and ask them to send a copy to your
- school CSA. Their address is:
- Higher Education Employment Service
- Labour Dept.
- 6/F Harbour Building
- 38 Pier Road, Central, HK
- Ph: 523232
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16) Can someone recommend a recruiting company in HK for me?
- terryk@microsoft.com (Terry Kwan) provided the following
- information. SCHK has no connections with these headhuter firms.
- It is listed here for your own reference. Use it at your own risk:
- Staff Service (HK) Co Ltd.:
- USA 1-212-332-8000
- Australia 022350800
- Hong Kong +852 810-9822, fax +852 845-3427.
- Gemini +852 5257283 +852 8106467
- Suite 508, Shell House, 24/28 Queens's Rd, Central, HK
- AJ +852 3673383 +852 3678765
- Rm1004, Far East Consortium Blg, 204 Nathan Rd, kln, HK
- Asia Progress +852 5213151 +852 5371583
- Rm1642 A, Wire House, 11 Chater Rd, Central, HK
- New City +852 5439282 +852 5439861
- 904 Champion Bldg, 289 Des Voeux Rd, HK
- Pak's +852 5261065 +852 8452455
- 1710 Lane Crawford House, HK
- Future Light +852 8504828 +852 8504418
- Rm1602, Haleson Blg, 1 Jubilee St, Central, HK
- Willowave +852 5411552 +852 5431809
- 15/F, Wing's Blg, 110 Queen's Rd, HK
- Amanda +852 3110916 +852 7244381
- Suite B, 10/F, Cameron Plaza, 23-25A Cameron Rd,
- TsimShaTsui, HK
- Nimble +852 5416113 +852 5414073
- 605 Won Hing Blg, 74-78 Stanley Street, central, HK
- Lindy Williams +852 8456777
- 702 Double Blg, 22 Stanley St, HK
- Sara Beattie +852 5079333 +852 8270426
- 3/F Sun Hing Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Rd, HK
- D&R +852 7822968 +852 7820292
- Rm1004, Park In Com Centre, 56 Dundas St, HK
- Eternal +852 5265601 +852 5252508
- 9/F United Chinese Bank Bldg, 31-37 Des Voeux Rd, HK
- Prefect Way +852 8155109 +852 8156629
- Rm 904, Kai Tak Comm Blg, 66-77 Stanley St, Central, HK
- WatNet People +852 8773686 +852 8452185
- 10/F Sin Hua Bank Blg, 2 Wellington St, Central, HK
- Arron & Associate +852 5261128
- Smart +852 5761866 +852 5761822
- Levin +852 8542228 +852 8504061
- HK Employment & Secretarial +852 7219268 +852 3113289
- T&C +852 8931168 +852 8916646
- Everbright +852 5441863 +852 5449859
- Julie's +852 5211166 +852 8452620
- Elton Linda +852 5488785 +852 5487797
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17) How do I renew my passport?
- In US, please contact the British Counsel in Washingtin, DC
- Their voice number is 1-202-986-0205 and the fax number
- is 1-202-797-2929. Office in other area will no longer handle
- passport renewal.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 18) What are the differences between the BNO/BDTC passport?
- ---------------------------------------------
- - Retention BN(O) status can be retained BDTC status cannot be
- of British retained for life. retained after
- nationality 30 June 1997.
- - Validity 10 years from date of issue cannot be made valid
- of issue. beyond 30 VI 1997.
- - Replacement can be replaced both before cannot be replaced after
- before and after 30 VI 1997. 30 June 1997.
- - Right of will bear an endorsement with will be an endorsement
- abode with reference to the holder's stating the holder's right
- Hong Kong permanent ID card of abode in Hong Kong.
- stating his rights of abode
- in HK.
- - Special will bear the following no such endorsement.
- endorsement endorsement:
- "In accordance with the United
- Kingdom Immigration Rules the
- holder of this passport does
- not require an entry
- certificate or visa to visit
- the United Kingdom."
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 19) Do I need a passport to visit UK?
- Neither BDTC nor BNO passport holders require to obtain
- a visa in order to visit the UK for short visits. However, a visa is
- required if they intend to seek employment or follow a course of study.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 20) Are there any short wave radio station from HK?
- No. but if you have a shortwave (Duan3Bo1) radio, you
- will hear "the Voice of Free China" (Zi4You2 Zhong1Guo2 zhi1 Sheng1)
- broadcasting in Mandarin, Cantonese, English, and Taiwanese
- (Min3Nan2Yu3), etc. In North America try listening around dinner time
- on 5950, 9680, 11860 kilohertz; in Europe: 21720, 17750; in Australia:
- 9765; in Japan: 15345, 7130, 9730, 11745. There are several other
- regions/languages it broadcasts to/in. Write: "The Voice of Free
- China, P.O.Box 24-38, Taipei, TAIWAN, R.O.C" for a schedule. (They
- don't also tell you the schedule of Zhong1Guang3 Xin1Wen2 Wang3*,
- though. But it uses the same frequencies.)
- [Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 21) Is it cheaper to buy a PC in HK?
- A 486-33 system only need around HK$10000 (include 1.2M
- & 1.44 floppy, 120M hard-drive, and HI-Color SVGA with monitor). A 386-40
- with the above config only need around HK$8000. It's about 20% cheaper
- than that in the beginning of this year.
- [Date: 7/30/92 akwy@mundil.cs.mu.oz.au (Alan Yim)]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 22) How do I wire money to Hong Kong from US?
- 1. If you intend to go to HK, bring an ATM card from a US bank
- which is on the PLUS ATM network. Using a Plus ATM card, you
- can withdraw money directly from your US account in HK, at various
- ATMs of the Hongkong Bank which display the Plus symbol.
- Of course, if you are going yourself, you can also consider
- Traveller's Check or even cash if the amount is still reasonable
- to do so.
- 2. You can send the recipient a US Dollar personal check, which they
- can deposit with their bank. However, the check will take about
- 1 month to clear.
- 3. Go to a branch of a Hong Kong based bank in your area, eg.
- Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. or Hang Seng Bank in any
- major metropolitan area with a significant Chinese population,
- and purchase a Bank Draft or Cashier's Check. Enquire if they can
- issue drafts in HK$ drawn on their account with their HK parent.
- Otherwise, check if they have provisions to clear their checks
- quickly (eg. if deposited with a particular HK bank).
- 4. Of course, you can always tell your bank to initiate a wire transfer,
- or get a HK based bank in your area to do it (probably better, since
- they are used to doing it).
- Going the other way:
- a. ETC International (similar to 1. above, but subject to transaction fee)
- This is actually quite popular in Canada now.
- b. Bank Draft. Every bank in HK that issues US$ Bank Draft can draw
- on their accounts in the US, so worst case is 7 days to clear.
- Add the time to deliver the physical draft to the recipient (2 - 7
- days).
- c. Cable/Telex/Wire transfer. Yes they are all different (in speed), and
- subject to service charge. Hang Seng Bank seems to charge a fixed
- fee for amounts up to some large number, and is probably cheapest.
- Note that the recipient will ALSO be charged a fee, typically
- USD 10 to USD 15, so if you wire $5000, they may only get $4990.
- This is caused by the Fed Wire Transfer between the correspondent bank
- (ie. the bank that, for example, Hang Seng deals with), and the
- receiving bank.
- d. Cash, USD Traveller's Checks are all okay.
- Special thanks to Onward Lam (onward@fsg.com) for the answers.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 23-299) (reserved)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 301) Is Hong Kong University (HKU) / Chinese University (CU) / Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on the net?
- As of Sept, 91, CU has connected to Internet through a
- satellite link to NSFNET to a site in Hawaii. Since then, all
- mail enroute to HK has been routed through vaxa.csc.cuhk.hk.
- The MX records of all those institutes [listed above] have been
- changed to reflect this. Therefore, if you want to have minimum
- delay, let your local mailer route your mail. Or if you insist on
- routing it yourself, route it through hp9000.csc.cuhk.hk which
- is the internet gateway for ALL machines in hk or vaxa.csc.cuhk.hk.
- As of the latest info from HKU, they are already on the Internet.
- CU is now a "fullfeed" USENET site. Users can read and post news, and
- they are planning to distribute news to other institutions.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 302) Do they have access to SCHK?
- Yes. But the actual population is unknown. Someone from CU
- said that there are a lot more fun things to do in HK than sitting
- in front of the keyboard talking to a CRT. :)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 303) How to send mail to CU?
- You can try:
- <username>@vaxa.cucsc.cuhk.hk []/* Computer Service Center */
- <username>@vaxb.cucsc.cuhk.hk []/* Computer Service Center */
- <username>@hp9000.csc.cuhk.hk []/* Computer Service Center */
- <username>@pc386a.csc.cuhk.hk []/* COmputer Service Center */
- <username>@cuele.cuhk.hk []/* EE Dept */
- <username>@eng.ie.cuhk.hk []/* Information Engineering */
- <username>@cs.cuhk.hk []/* Computer Science Dept */
- To reach the Computer Science dept, you can use "dept@cs.cuhk.hk".
- If you have problem sending mail to CU, please contact
- "postmaster@cucsd.cuhk.hk".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 304) How to send mail to Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology (HKUST)?
- You can try:
- <username>@usthk.ust.hk ! VMS accounts (Internet)
- <username>@usthk.bitnet ! VMS accounts (Bitnet)
- <username>@uxmail.ust.hk ! Unix accounts (Internet)
- If you have problem sending mail to HKUST, please contact
- "postmaster@usthk.ust.hk" or "postmaster@uxmail.ust.hk".
- [ Steven Wong (Postmaster at USTHK) CCSTEVEN@usthk.ust.hk ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 305) How to send mail to HK Polytechnics?
- You can try: <username>@hkpcc.hkp.hk
- If you have problem sending mail to Hong Kong Polytech, please contact
- "postmaster@hkpcc.bitnet".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 306) How to send mail to HK Baptist College?
- You can try:
- <username>@ctsc.hkbc.hk []* /* Staff only */
- <username>@bc785a.hkbc.hk
- <username>@bc750.hkbc.hk
- <username>@vaxa.ctsc01.hkbc.hk [] /* telenet */
- <username>@vaxa.ctsc01.hkbc.hk [] /* telenet */
- <username>@maths.hkbc.hk
- <username>@carol.comp01.hkbc.hk /* Computer Science */
- <username>@ada.comp01.hkbc.hk
- Baptist College also gives out guest accounts, for more
- information please contact:
- Mr. Jimmy Tsang
- USS Section
- HK Baptist College
- 224 Waterloo Road
- Kowloon
- If you have problem sending mail to Baptist College, please contact
- "postmaster@ctsc.hkbc.hk".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 307) How to send mail to City Polytechnics of HK?
- You can try:
- <username>@cphkvx.bitnet
- <username>@cphk.cphk.hk []
- <username>@cphkvx.cphk.hk []
- <username>@cpccspc.cphk.hk []*
- City Poly have a centralized mailbox for everyone. To send
- mail a person whose 8 digit userid is 12345678, you MUST do the following:
- In your message. Add these two lines:
- To: polylink@cphkvx.bitnet
- Subject: 12345678@polylink
- If you have problem sending mail to City Poly, please contact
- "postmaster@cphkvx.bitnet".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 308) How do I send mail to HKU?
- You can try:
- <username>@hkuxb.hku.hk []* /* Computer Center */
- <username>@hkucc.bitnet
- <username>@hkucc.hku.hk
- <username>@csd.hku.hk []* /* CS Dept. */
- <username>@hkueee.hku.hk /* EE Dept. */
- If you have problem sending mail to HKU, please contact
- "postmaster@csd.hku.hk".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 309) What other network connections are there in HK?
- You can access Compuserve by calling 824-1121 (INFONET). They
- use ASYNC 0-2400 Baud (V22BIS/MNP) setting. No info about the rates.
- For more information, please contact:
- Mr. Y.S. Wu
- Public Services Account Manager
- Cable and Wireless HK Ltd
- New Mercury House
- PO Box 597
- 22 Fenwich St
- Wanchai
- Also, Hutchison-AT&T provides e-mail service. For more info,
- please contact:
- Helena White
- Hutchison-AT&T
- Network Services Ltd.
- 4/F, China Underwriters Centre
- 88 Gloucester Road
- Hong Kong
- 8345848
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 310) Can I send mail to HK through Fidonet?
- Theologically users can send e-mails to Internet via any FidoNet
- BBS in HongKong, however, not all SysOps made this area available to their
- users and only a few systems has direct connections with the US
- Internet/ FidoNet Gateway. Select Usenet Newsgroups is also available
- in FidoNet but SysOps has to pick them up from the Usenet/FidoNet
- Gateway in the USA. Receiving e-mail from Internet to FidoNet in
- HongKong is no problem becasue all these traffic will be taken care by
- the Zone 6 ZoneGate - a ZoneGate system is a system in FidoNet who taken
- care of Inter-Zone e-mails from/to it's own Zone. (Note: Zone 6 is Asia
- in FidoNet).
- From Samson Luk (gu_jc3@uxmail.ust.hk)
- FidoNet Regional Coordinator of HONGKONG & MACAU
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 311) Who else have connection in HK?
- There are a few corporations which have network connection in HK.
- The known ones are Digitial Computer, Xerox, Oracle, HP and SGI and IBM.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 312-349) (reserved)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 351) Where can I find the lowest air fare to HK?
- Try some of the Chinese travel Agency and bring a Chinese friend
- with you if you are not Chinese. You get a better price that way. :) Also,
- check into the FAQ for rec.travel and it has a lot of tips on how to save
- your precious dollars on travel expense.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 352) Courier service, anyone?
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 353) Which is a good travel book to read?
- One netter recommended the "Lonely Planet Guide" for HK.
- ISBN# 0-86442-142-7. Current edition is printed in May, 1992 and it has
- extensive coverage in Hongkong. Macao and Canton.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 354) What can I do in HK?
- Shopping. Shopping. Shopping.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 355) Where can I go in HK?
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 356) Where can I shop for computers in HK?
- Computer Places recommended by readers:
- (1) Admiralty/Hoi Fu Centre, 2/F;
- (2) Computer Centre, at Mong Kok, a new shopping centre for computers;
- (3) Golden Shopping Centre, at Shum Shui Po;
- (4) Silver Cord Centre, basement 2, at Tsim Sha Tsui.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 357) Where can I shop for cameras in HK?
- Places recommended by readers:
- (1) Broadway - the chain stores that sell basically all the popular
- common items;
- (2) Stanley Street in Central - there are a number of stores there,
- unfortunately, I don't have the names with me...(may be
- the HK readers can help me out with those).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 358) Where can I find more information before I start the trip?
- You can contact the Hong Kong Tourist Association. They
- have offices around the world and if you cannot find one in where
- you live, you can contact their head quarter office in HK. The address is:
- 35/F Jardine House
- Central
- Hong Kong.
- (852)-8017111
- Telex 74720 HX
- Cable Luyu hongkong
- Fax (852)-814877
- Other offices:
- 4/F, 125 Pall Mall Wiesenau 1
- London, SW1Y 5EA 6000 Frankfurt am Main 1
- UK Germany
- (071)-930-4775 (49)-69722841
- c/o Sergat Espana S.L. Suite 1220, 10940 Wilshire Bvld
- Apdo. Correos 30266 LA, CA 90024
- 08080 Barcelona USA
- Spain (310)-208-4582
- (93)-280-58-38
- 347 Bay St, Suite 909 38 Avenue George V
- Toronto, Ontario M5H 2R7 (Entree 53 rue Francois ler 1er)
- Canada 75008 Paris
- (416)-366-2389 France
- (331)-4720-3954
- (331)-4723-0965 (fax)
- c/o Sergat Italia 590 Fifth Ave.
- Via Monte Dei Cenci 20 NY, NY 10036-4706
- 00186 Roma USA
- Italy (212)-869-5008
- (06)-6869112
- 333 North Michigan Ave. 4/F, Toho Twin Tower Bldg
- Suite 2400 1-5-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku
- Chicago, IL 60601-3966 Tokyo 100
- USA Japan
- (312)-782-3872 (03)-3503-0731
- 4/F, HK & Shanghai Bank Bldg Level 5, 55 Harrington St.
- 3-6-1, Awaji-machi, 3-chome The Rocks, Sydney
- Chuo-ku, Osaka 541 NSW 2000
- Japan Australia
- (06)-229-9240 (02)-251-2855
- 13-08 Ocean Bldg PO Box 2120
- 10 Collyer Quay Level 1, 5 Averill Ave.
- Singapore 0104 kohimarama, Auckland 5
- (65)-532-3668 New Zealand
- (09)-521-3167
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 359) Which hotel should I book?
- Hotels in HK price anywhere from US$25 to $300 per night. Please
- check with your travel agents. The HK Tourist Association also has brochures
- to hotel accomodations in HK.
- Dan Jacobson from AT&T recommends "ChungKing mansions" in Tsim Tsa Tsui.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 360) Are there any other sources of travel information?
- There is a good travel guide called "Lonely Planet Guide" for HK.
- No ISBN#. Sorry. It should be available in all better bookstores. :)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 361) What is Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)?
- Their primary mission for HKTDC is to promote Hong Kong to other countries.
- Below are their addresses:
- Conventional Plaza,
- 36-39th Floors, Office Towers Courvoisier Centre
- 1 Harbour Road 501 Brickell Key Drive
- Wanchai, HK Miami, FL 33131
- Voice (852)-584-4333 (305)-577-0414
- Fax (852)-824-0249
- 673 Fifth Ave 333 N Michigan Avenue
- 4/F Suite 2028
- New York, NY 10022 Chicago, Il 60601
- (212)-838-8688 (312)-726-4515
- 120 World Trade Center 350 S Figueroa Street
- 2050 Stemmons Freeway Suite 282
- Dallas, TX 75207 Los Angeles, CA 90071
- (214)-748-8162 (213)-622-3194
- c/o HK Economic and Trade Office
- 180 Sutter Street, 4/F
- San Francisco, CA 94104
- (415)-677-9038
- London 828-1661 828-9976
- Miami 372-9142
- Milan 865405 860304
- Paris 474-24150 47427744
- Singapore 2937977 292-7767
- Seoul 782-6115 782-6118
- Stockholm 100677 723163
- Toronto 366-3594 366-1569
- Vancouver 685-3786 699-3784
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 362) Where is the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office?
- British Embassy, 1233 20th Street British Consulate General
- N.W. Suite 504 680 Fifth Avenue, 22nd Floor
- Washington, DC 20036 New York, NY 10019
- (202)-331-8947 (212)-265-8888
- British Consulate General British High Commission
- 180 Sutter Street, 4/F Consular Section
- San Francisco, CA 94104 80 Elgin Street
- (415)-397-2215 Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5K7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 363) Where is the American Chamber of Commerce in HK?
- Chamber of Commerce of US 1030 Swire House
- International Division Central, HK
- 1615 H Street NW (852)-526-0165 or 525-9215
- Washington, DC 20062 Fax 810-1289
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 364-399)(reserved)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 401) Where can I buy the lastest CDs/Books/Magazines?
- Try Annie.Chan@EBay.Sun.COM, she has just started a Karaoke/CD mail
- order outfit. No details.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 402) How do I subscribe to Chinese newspapaers?
- You can subscribe Sing Tao Daily by contacing:
- Sing Tao Limited
- 185 Canal St. Basement 246 Harrison Ave
- New York, NY 10013 Boston, MA 02111
- 234 W. Cermak Rd. 2/F 126 N. 10th St.
- Chicago, IL 60616 Philadephia, PA 19107
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 403) Is there any mail order place for these items?
- Not right now but some netters mentioned that they have
- something similar in the making and I think they will let us know
- as soon as they are ready.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 404) Why can't I watch HK video tapes in the US/Canada?
- It is because the tape from HK are recorded in the PAL format
- and you probably have a NTSC system. They are not compatible.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 405) What should I do when I receive a PAL tape from HK?
- You can convert the tape from PAL <=> NTSC by contacting some
- service company. In US, There are two that are recommended by the
- SCHK netters:
- DAKE International SOMI International
- 3208 Foxboro Dr. 50 Summer St.
- Richardson, TX 75082 Edison, NJ 08820
- (214)-234-8518 (908)-548-3065
- 520 Harvest Lane
- Raleigh, NC 27606-2217
- (919) 233-8689
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 408-449)(reserved)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 551) Anybody out there from XYZ Secondary School?
- We often see posting from SCHK netters looking for lost
- classmates. Michael Yip from Digitial Equipment Corporation had
- spent considerable amount of time and effort to compile a
- high school list which he post very regularly. If you have missed the
- last issue, you can contact him at "yip@wsl.dec.com".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 552) How can I start an e-mail alumni association?
- Check with the High School List first before you start. There
- is a slight opportunity that such a mailing list is already available.
- here is the known alumius list:
- a) Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School, email John Ho,
- john@jho.com for details.
- b) Choi Hung Est. Catholic Secondary School, email
- Dominic Ng cstdxek@csv.warwich.ac.uk for details.
- c) Ho Lap College, email Johnny Chow
- vcsc335@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu for details.
- d) Lutheran Middle Sch, email Johnny Chow
- vcsc335@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu for details.
- e) Maryknoll Convent School, for enrollment (both alumnus and
- others), mail to Elizabeth Luk
- achiever@u.washington.edu
- f) Queen's College - mail to qcnet@athena.mit.edu for details.
- g) St. Francis Xavier School, TW - mail to Thomas Kwan
- nkkwan@descartes.uwaterloo.ca for enrollment.
- h) SPCC 88 (cert year) - mail to hkspcc88@athena.mit.edu for
- distribution.
- i) Tin Kwong Rd Govt Sec Sch - email Edward S.N.Chiu
- chiu@cs.unr.edu for details.
- j) WYCHK - mail to wychk-request@kccs.com for details.
- k) WYK - mail to John Chiu chiu@ccsf.caltech.edu for
- enrollment.
- l) Diocesan Boys' School has a DBSnet for DBS old boys. To register,
- send a hello email to <dbs-admin@athena.mit.edu>.
- m) HKTA Student Ambassador - mail to Albert Pang at
- albert@brahms.insl.mcgill.ca for details.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 553) Are there any local gathering groups?
- In Dallas, Texas, you can get in touch with John Ho at
- john@jho.com. The SCHK Texans get together for Dim Sum, Karaoke,
- BBQ, eat and plain BS. Tons of fun. Everyone welcome.
- In San Jose, California. You can contact the Club
- Bauhinia (CB) - "Care H K" group in the San Jose area. They are
- an associate member of AHKCUS. They print booklets about HK and
- help HK students in Univsity of California at Berkely to publish
- booklets and stage their HK Week. They also participate in slide
- shows about HK etc. For further information, please contact
- Dennis Lee albee@eng.sun.com.
- In Bay area, you can contact the BAGgers - (Bay Area Gethering)
- They hold semi-regular gatherings for fun in the Bay Area e.g. BBQ,
- Bowling, fishing, rafting etc. And they have a regular soccer game
- every other week. There are usally 20 to 30 players. For more
- information, please contact Nelson Chan at Nchan@hpcupt1.hp.com
- or Lawrence Chow lawrence.chow@eng.sun.com.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 554-699)(reserved)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 701) Who is Deanna?
- During (what month?) of 1991, in response to all those
- usual "looks + intelligence = constant" silly talks, a student
- called Deanna from University of Pittsburgh posted a message
- claiming "I am pretty and witty." This bold assertion stunned
- the hitherto male-dominated schk and Deanna became the Marilyn
- Monroe of schk overnight. More than 100 articles were posted
- in a few days and a See_Deanna_Club was eventually formed.
- Deanna has left Univ of Pittsburgh since but she left with us
- a very fond memory of hi-tech romance. Thank you Deanna.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 702) Who is Jan?
- Jan is a Yale student with unknown gender. In May, 1992,
- After series of claims of a lonesome male from HK who has the voice
- of Jackey Cheung, the look of Andy Lau, and the smile of Leon Lai.
- Jan suddenly identifies HIMSELF as a HERSELF. Later on, Jan
- announced this whole event was indeed HER on going experiment
- conducted by the Department of Psychology in Yale University.
- People were mad and some even send letter to the Dept. chair to
- complain about the so-called experiment as unethical. Later, Jan
- turned into a HE and tried to defend HIS and HER position. Today,
- Jan's identity remains a mystery.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- John Ho from Dallas, Texas USA. (john@jho.com)